Mónica Hernández-Morcillo - Publikationen
Hernández-Morcillo M, Burgess P, Jaconette M, Pantera A, Plieninger T , “Scanning agroforestry-based solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Europe”. Environmental Science and Policy 80, 44-42.
Dicks L, Haddaway N, Hernández-Morcillo M, Mattsson B, Randall, N, Failler P, Ferretti J, Livoreil B, Saarikoski H, Santamaria L,Rodela R, Velizarova E, Wittmer H (2017) Knowledge synthesis for environmental decisions: an evaluation of existing methods, and guidance for their selection, use and development - a report from the EKLIPSE Project.
Available here: http://www.eklipse-mechanism.eu/apps/Eklipse_data/website/EKLIPSE_D3-1-Report_FINAL_WithCovers_V6.pdf
Hernández-Morcillo M, Bieling C, Bürgui M, Lieskovsky J, Paland H, Printsman A, Schulp CJE,Verburg P, Plieninger P ”Priority questions for the science, policy and practice of land management in Europe”. Landscape Ecology. 1-14.
Hernández-Morcillo M, Hoberg J, Oteros-Rozas E, Plieninger T, Gómez-Baggethun E, Reyes-García V, “Traditional ecological knowledge in Europe: status quo and insights for the environmental policy agenda”. Environmental Magazine 56 (1), 3-17.
Hernández-Morcillo M, Plieninger T, Bieling C, “An empirical review of cultural ecosystem services measurements”. Ecological Indicators 29, 434-444.
Plieninger T, Scheleyer C, Schaich H, Ohnesorge B, Gerdes H, Hernández-Morcillo M, Bieling C “Mainstreaming ecosystem services through European reformed agricultural policies” Conservation Letters 5 (4), 281-288.
CBD technical Serie N°55 “Linking biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation. A state of knowledge review”.
Available here: https://www.cbd.int/doc/publications/cbd-ts-55-en.pdf
Fadaie H, Hernández-Morcillo M, “Advancing the biodiversity agenda. A UN system wide contribution” Multilateral Environmental Agreement (MEA Bulletin).
Available here: http://old.unep-cmc.org/medialibrary/2012/11/08/570b39e8/BIODIVERSITY_Agenda_Corrections_finales_.pdf
Hernández-Morcillo M, Walpole M, “The geographical overlap between biodiversity and poverty” State of knowledge report. UNEP-WCMC.
Butchart SHM, et al., “Global biodiversity: indicators of recent declines“Science 328, 1164-1168.
"Sustainable management of Amazon Palms" Spanish Agency of International Cooperation and Development”.
"310 species of Pacaya Samiria National Park" Spanish Agency of International Cooperation and Development”.