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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Diversity & Gender Equality

The people studying and working at the University for Sustainable Development are of different sexes and ages, come from diverse social and geographical backgrounds, have diverse educational biographies and different life circumstances.

In the upcoming years, the heterogeneity of the HNE will be increasing due to social developments and changes in law. The commonness of the "normal case: High school Graduate with Abitur, German speaking, financed by BAföG, full time presence in lectures, without children" will be decreasing. However, the organisation of study and work is built upon this character for most part. When studying or working are not compatible at all with the individual live situation, with physical, psychic or cultural characteristics, the affected persons will attend the university reluctantly. The outcomes of this may be dissatisfaction and cancelling of the studies or inner resignation. Discrimination because of gender, look, religion, age, or sexual orientation are attacks on the human dignity and must not be ignored.

The tools of the anti-discrimination work of the HNE are Gender Equality and Diversity-Management.


Info about the equality concept, the female prof program and more...


Information about diversity, presentation of the diversity-project, etc.

Here you can also find events and background information.


Contact Person:

Dr. Nadine Herold

Gender Equality Manager