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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Gender Equality


The goal of gender equality is to counteract social disadvantages by adjusting the living situations of men and women. The discriminiation of women has a long history which is affecting the present times as well. It's manifesting itself among others in stereotypical role models, prejudices and family tasks and turns obvious in different carreer developments and unequal wages for the same work.

Gender equality is a matter of justice and equality of people.

There are also some economic advantages: In mixed teams, men and women are complementing one another optimally: "Women and men are synergists whose competences, performances and - willingness make a top team unbeatable." states Gertrud Höhler in her book "Wolf unter Wölfen". (quoted from Detmers, Ulrike (Hrsg): "Frau und Beruf" Bd. 3, "Geschäftserfolg durch Geschlechterdemokratie" LIT Verlag, Münster 2003)

Gender equality can have an immediate impact on the quality of the work results. The share of women in leading positions applies also as a indicator of the capacity for innovation of a institution.

The measures of equality work are aiming at increasing the share of women in the sectors in which these are underrepresented. They also strive for a balanced proportion in the sectors in which men are underrepresented.

Here you can find information about the equality policy of the HNEE and the program for female professors.