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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Welcome to the pages of the familienfreundliche_hochschule_variante_1_500px

Family-friendly University!

If you need advice, please make an appointment for an online or telephone consultation with us!

Finding a good balance between work or university and family obligations - whether they are your own children, grandchildren or relatives in need of care - is a challenge. The University for Sustainable Development works to support the university’s students and employees in overcoming this challenge.

We are open to expanding our services to meet demand and want to improve it continuously for our target group. As a result, we are grateful for constructive suggestions, commitment and feedback to


Team, availability and networking

The team and networks of the Family-friendly University


Dates and current information

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Studying with children

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News and Events

Lend a notebook from the family-friendly university

For all parents and pregnant women at the HNEE as well as students and employees with care tasks, the family-friendly university has laptops available for borrowing. They should make it easier for you to work from home for your studies or university. Your child is ill, you have nursing tasks or do not want to commute to the university every day during your final thesis because of your pregnancy?

Simply send us an informal application with the following information: reason for need, period, name, address, study programme and matriculation number or exact job at the university.

After a positive decision from us, you can borrow a notebook against a signature from the ITSZ (house 5, room101-105). There are currently 8 notebooks with Office software, 2 of them are additionally equipped with GIS software. An overview of the devices can be found here.

Physiotherapeutic offers of the AG Gesunde Hochschule (Waldcampus)

The physiotherapeutic treatments at the university are also offered in 2019.

Room alternatives on the Forest campus are missing, so this offer first takes place in the parent-child rooms when it is actually booked by university members. We would like to ask you to notice this, an simultaneous use is not possible.

Please write us if you had to re-schedule (personally or by e-mail to  Familie ).

The dates for the treatments:

Forest campus: Every 1st and 3rd Thursday, from 09.00 to 12.00 hours.

We ask for your understanding for the other use of the room.

Annual events of the family-friendly university

April: Welcome Meeting

Juni: Open Day at the HNEE

Oktober: Welcome Meeting & Grant to the semester-ticket

Dezember: International Family Christmas Party



"Family-friendly University"

© HNEE, Florian Reischauer

Tel. (03334) 657 143

City Campus
Neue Forstakademie (House 5) Room 017 (ground floor)