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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Ethics Commission

Ethics Commission section 23 (6) of the basic order - central committees

The Ethics Commission deals according to article 64 (3) BbgHG with following topics:
  • possible use of research results for non-peaceful purposes
  • research on humans as well as animals

Represented in the Ethics Committee are the members of the Commission for research, technology transfer, cooperation and development extended to external experts. The Senate establishes the Ethics Commission and elects its members.



Head of commission

Prof. Dr. Pfriem

Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer

 (03334) 657- 377

At the request of at least one of the bodies (Department Council, Executive Committee, Senate, executive body of the student body, as well as a honorary senator) the Senate in consultation with the Chairman or the Chairman of the Ethics Commission within two months after receipt of the request shall convene a meeting of the Ethics Commission. The request shall be justified.




Prof. Dr. Alexander Pfriem

Representation of faculties

Prof. Dr. Andreas Linde (Fac 1)

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Nölting (Fac 2)

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schwarz  (Fac 3)

Prof. Dr. Alexander Conrad (Fac 4)

Academic staff representation

Kerstin Lehmann

Ohter staff representation

Candy Pflugmacher

Student representation

Clara Meyer

External experts
Prof. Dr. Bolte (Thünen-Institut für Waldökosysteme)

Dr. Katharina Reuter (UnternehmensGrün e.V.)