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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Committee for Research, Cooperation, Development and Technology Transfer

The Committee for Research, Cooperation, Development and Technology Transfer is a central committee for preparing the resolutions of the Senate and advising the Executive Committee.

According to the University Constitution, the Committee for Research, Cooperation, Development and Technology Transfer is responsible for the following areas:

  • fundamental aspects of research, development and technology transfer
  • research reporting
  • cooperation with other universities, research institutes and businesses
  • promotion of the next generation of academics
  • establishment, change or closure of research and technology transfer institutions
  • establishment and changes to independent institutes, allocation of funding to research and development projects
  • the Research Committee also discusses and decides on the allocation of funds from Start Fund

Besides the Vice President of Research and Technology Transfer as the Chairperson, it comprises one student, an academic employee and a member of the group of professors from every faculty. The group of other employees is represented by the head of the institute responsible for research and technology transfer.



Head of commsission

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Pfriem

Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer
 03334 657-377




Prof. Alexander Pfriem

(Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer)

Representation of faculties

Prof. Andreas Linde (Fac 1)

Prof. Benjamin Nölting (Fac 2)

Prof. Ulrich Schwarz (Fac 3)

Prof. Alexander Conrad (Fac 4)

Academic staff representation

Candy Pflugmacher (Botanic Garden)

Kerstin Lehmann (Head of InnoSupport)

Student representation

Clara Meyer