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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

​​​​​​​About FIT

Isaac Kyere, PhD

​The FIT programme is accreditated by

               ASIIN in Germany                            PKA in Poland

Digital, smart and innovative technologies have found their way into forestry and are there to stay.Therefore the FIT M.Sc. programme focuses on fundamental and applied knowledge of environmental information technologies (EIS) and »Green IT« applications in the global forestry sector. With its interdisciplinary approach, the study programme offers a unique and innovative intercultural, international learning environment. As a student you learn to solve complex problems based on a deepened and extended understanding of data structures, algorithms as well as processes and relationships within ecosystems, based on a broad spectrum of scientific methods and tools for the collection, analysis, storage, visualization and communication of environmental and forestry data. Graduates are experts in the application of modern information technologies in the forest and environmental sector and can solve problems in silvicultural practice as well as spatial information and data management. During the FIT programme you acquire innovative scientific methods and tools required for collect-ing, processing, analysing, managing and communicating environ-mental data with emphasis on sustainable management of forest ecosystems.

Interdisciplinary education

The international Master study programme "Forest Information Technology (FIT)" is an interdisciplinary, bilateral, programme taught at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (EUSD) and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS) in Poland.The M.Sc. programme focusses on environmental information technologies (EIS) and »Green IT« such as Machine Learning technolo-gies, applied programming and databases, forest ecosystem modelling, remote sensing and geographic information systems. With an interdisciplinary approach, the study programme offers concep-tual knowledge about sustainable forest ecosystems combined with innovative IT -technical solutions to address a range of issues, from local forest management to global climate change. Since its start in 2005, the FIT is continuously accredited in Germany by ASIIN and in Poland by PKA


Programme elements

1st Semester: Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development; covers principles of innovative Forest-IT and environmental informa-tion technology.

2nd Semester: Warsaw University of Life Sciences; focuses on the application of information technologies (IT) in forest and environment related subjects and forest management topics.

3rd Semester: During the 3rd semester at either location FIT students pursue an independent research project framed by a range of elective modules.

4th Semester: During the 4th semester at either location students work on their Master thesis supplemented by further elective modules

Contents and learning objectives

Students will acquire the follownig core competencies: Mandatory modules focus on data driven innovations in forestry sciences and information technology like automated data collection, applied programming in combination with web database and fundamentals of statistics and big data analytics. A number of electable topics at both universities include topics of forestry and environmental sciences, applied spatial data analytics and modelling or decision support skills. Upon successful completion of the FIT programme (min. 120 academic credits), candidates will be awarded the degree "Master of Science" (by EUSD) and optional, (if all Polish requirements are met) "Master of Science & Engineer in Forestry" (by WULS). All modules are taught in English language. In addition, students can gain qualifications in German and Polish language and culture



Information on the partners of the study programme can be found under the following link


Career opportunities

This Master programme offers a large variety of fundamental and applied »Green IT« topics from three sectors: Forest, Information and Technology. The programme consists of four semesters. Graduated FITstudents are ready to compete on a diversified but also on a highly specialised job market of »Green IT« and environmental data analytics, natural resource management and applied research in the forest and environmental sector in Europe or beyond. FIT graduates hold a double degree certificate from two European higher Education Institutes, the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Both certificates enable entering various European and international job markets with a focus digital technologies or sustainable natural resource management and empirical ecological research using digital data and forest and environmental management, ecological consultancy and others. Master certificates issued by the two universities are an accepted prerequisite for continuing your studies as a PhD student or entering any other doctoral degree programme.

Have a look at a few careers of FIT graduates and their opinions about the programme.