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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Coronavirus: FAQ for Students

Dear students,
here you find important questions and answers regarding the current situation and the HNEE's handling of the Corona virus. We make every effort to keep all information up to date. In addition, please inform yourself on the pages of the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture (MWFK) and on our general Corona info page, which contains all important updates.

In the interest of its students, the HNEE is making efforts to implement online formats as a substitute for classroom teaching. If this is the case for one of your courses, you will be informed in time. In general: As soon as the universities make an online course offer available, BAföG recipients in particular are obliged to participate in this online course offer in order to continue to receive the respective BAföG benefits. Valuable information on the first steps towards implementing online teaching is compiled here.

Please note: If you have any questions regarding these FAQs or need further clarification regarding your studies, please do not hesitate to contact the departmental secretariats. If you have any questions regarding your application and admission and student status, please contact the Student Support Service Department & International Office as usual.

CORONA NOTIFICATION: If you have tested positive for the Corona virus or have been classified as a "suspected case", please report this immediately to the Corona crisis team at and to your degree programme management!

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Is the university currently open?
What does the hygiene concept of the HNEE look like?
When do the lecture and examination periods begin and end?
Where and when do the introductory events for first-year students take place?
In what form will teaching take place during the winter semester 2020/21 and what can be expected for the summer semester 2021?
Are the canteens (Mensas) on the city and forest campuses open?
Can internships and excursions be carried out?
Are there any exams and what should I do if I cannot or do not want to take part in them?
What do I have to consider for my final thesis?
What happens to my BAfÖG funding (application via the Studentenwerk Frankfurt / Oder) and where can I get financial support?
How do I receive my diploma?
What will happen to my professional internship?
Are project meetings and non-curricular events allowed?
How is the use of the university library regulated?
May rehearsals of the university choir or orchestra take place again?
What about university sports events?
Can I still make use of the psycho-social counselling services offered by the Studentenwerk Frankfurt (Oder)?
Are the PC pools open?
Can I plan a study or internship period abroad?
I work as a SHK / WHK alongside my studies and have children under 12 to look after.