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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Application Deadlines

Bachelor's programmes:

Application Deadlines_Bachelor
Forestry B.Sc.
International Forest Ecosystem Management B.Sc.
Landscape Management and Nature Conservation B.Sc.
Organic Farming and Marketing B.Sc.
Sustainable Economics and Management B.A.
Wood Science and Technology B.Eng.
Wood Science and Technology dual B.Eng.
Mechatronics in Wood Engineering dual B.Eng.

Master's programmes:

Application Deadlines_Master
Biosphere Reserves Management M.Sc.
Forest Information Technology M.Sc.
Forestry System Transformation M.Sc.
Global Change Management M.Sc.
Sustainable Regional Development: Education-Management-Nature Conservation M.Sc.
Organic Agriculture and Food Systems M.Sc.
Wood Science and Technology M.Sc.
Sustainable Tourism Management M.A.
Sustainable Business Management M.A.
Sustainable Entrepreneurship & Social Innovation M.A.
Strategic Sustainability Management M.A.
Education-Sustainability-Transformation M.A.

Note for applicants with a foreign entrance qualification for all study programmes

Applicants with foreign entrance qualifications (in the case of applications for a Bachelor's degree programme this concerns the university entrance qualification, in the case of applications for a Master's degree programme this concerns the Master's entrance qualification) must submit their application to the Arbeits- und Servicestelle für internationale Studienbewerbungen (uni-assist e.V.) for preliminary examination by the application deadline applicable to them. The application portal uni-assist is opened approx. 4 weeks before the application deadline for the degree programmes of the HNEE.

General information for all applicants:
Anyone who misses the application deadline or does not submit the application completely, in due form and with the required documents, must be excluded from the award procedure.



Student Support Service Department & International Office

City Campus
Building 5

Ground floor

Schicklerstraße 5
16225 Eberswalde

Tel.: + 49 (0) 3334 657-134
Fax: + 49 (0) 3334 657-136


Student Support Service Department & International Office