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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

General Student Advisory Service

The general student advisory service is an independent advisory service of the HNE Eberswalde. It provides advice to students and prospective students on topics related to their studies and is the first point of contact if you need help.

Our advice is confidential, neutral and without prejudging the outcome

We advise on...

  • Choice of study
  • Application and admission
  • Financing of studies through scholarships
  • Change of university and course of study
  • Questions on examination matters
  • Studying with a child or dependent relatives
  • difficulties in or during studies
  • Studying with a disability or chronic illness
  • Studying without A-levels
  • Dropping out of studies

Contact us

During our open office hours we can give you first information. For more detailed individual consultations you require an appointment. You can make an appointment with us by telephone or by using the contact form below.

Important note on our current availability: 
During Corona times we do not offer open consultation hours and individual consultation appointments for the time being. Please use our contact form to arrange a telephone or video consultation and briefly describe your request. We will then contact you as soon as possible. Thank you very much and stay in good health!

Contact form

*mandatory field

First give us some information here so that we can forward your request to the right contact person. 

I am interested in*

I am a*
Surname Name*
 Please let us know your name so that we can address you appropriately.
E-Mail address*
 We need your e-mail address to be able to contact you.
Phone number
My questions to the student advisory service*
 Here you can describe your request in more detail.
For appointment booking please indicate your availability (days/time)

Your data will be used exclusively to answer your questions and concerns. By sending the form you give us your consent to use your data for this purpose. Click here for our privacy policy.

Anti-spam code
Please enter the previous code into the field:



Student Support Service Department & International Office

City campus
Building 5

Ground floor

Schicklerstraße 5
16225 Eberswalde

Tel.: + 49 3334 657 149

Student Support Service Department