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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Studying with Children

Many students in the recent years proved that studying with children is possible in Eberswalde. However, it's not always easy and connected with an increased organizational effort. On the following pages (expectant) parents can find information on university offers, funding opportunities and other subjects concering the daily student life with a child.

We encourage parents of the HNE to register in the email newsletter for parents. This is how you get the latest information on financial aid offers, events and other news. All it takes is an email to

Individual advice on all issues relating to family-friendly university is given by  Vera Clauder.


These facilities make the daily life as parents more comfortable.


The HNE is cooperating with different child care facilities in Eberswalde.


Information about funding opportunities and rental offers


Parent-Child-Meetings, Email-newsletter, Events and more...

Further information for (expectant) parents can be found in the section links and documents



Vera Clauder

Tel. (0 33 34) 657-143; Of city campus

New forest Academy 5 (House) room 017 (ground floor)