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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde




The term starts in winter semester.

In order to keep up with the content studied please keep in mind that German B2 language level is mandatory. The first and second semesters are very demanding as far as German technical terms in the ecological field are concerned.

General admission criteria

Information on general admission requirements including necessary language skills, application procedure, admission limits and application deadlines can be found on the Student Support Service Department website:


Technical admission criteria

The admission to the study programme is limited. A study place quota of 15% is reserved for foreign applicants. Approximately 50 places are available each year.

One of the following preconditions has to be fulfilled for an immatriculation:

  • General qualification for university entrance
  • Subject-bound higher entrance qualification
  • Advanced technical college entrance qualification
  • Equivalent degree at a school abroad                                                                                                                                                              

The degree in International Forest Ecosystem Management B.Sc. does not qualify for an application to the preparatory service for the state forest service. // Der Abschluss in International Forest Ecosystem Management B.Sc. qualifiziert nicht für eine Bewerbung auf den Vorbereitungsdienst für den gehobenen Forstdienst.


Preparatory course

The aim of the course is to enable the prospective students to refresh and deepen their knowledge and abilities in different fields and to facilitate a smooth entry into the study programme.

Information like list of contents and the schedule will be provided in due time shortly before the semester starts.

More information

Detailed information about the student life in Eberswalde with all relevant addresses and contacts ''Pathfinder'' in English language

In students you will find information about the study guide, the curriculum, study order, forms and supplementary information.


If you need any support from the faculty please contact:​​​​​​​


Astrid Schilling
Tel.: +49- (0)3334- 657 167