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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Financial possibilities

Overview of the financial possibilties for further education at the HNE Eberswalde


The German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) launched the training credit program, to mobilize more people for occupational further education— especially people that until now had to bear the costs for further education based on their income. The most known component of the training credit is the premium voucher. You receive the premium voucher straight after the counseling session in one of the 600 training credit counseling centers. You hand out the premium voucher to your further education provider and pay only your own share for the further education. You can receive the premium voucher all 2 calendar years. The following conditions must be respected:

  • Only event fees of the further education up to max. 1000€ are sponsored

  • the state covers 50 percent of the event fee

  • the minimum age is 25 years

  • gainful employment for at least 15 hours per week

  • taxable annual income of at least 20.000€ (or 40.00€ for married couples assessed jointly)

  • the further education program has to be officially recognized or a written documentation template of the quality process is required

You can find the flyer here

The Brandenburg Education Check

The new guideline of the MASGF on further education is in force since June 2015 and is valid until the 31th December 2020. Promoted are activities in Brandenburg for the individual and workplace independent occupational further education of employees as well as the participation of employees on occupational further education programs for the development of further skills in companies and associations. Application forms can be filed online from 1th June to 15th July 2015 through the ILB-customer portal. The second application form period starts at 16th July to 1th October 2015. Further rounds of application will be announced in time. Application forms have to be submitted at least 6 weeks before the start of the planned activity. Following conditions must be respected:

  • sponsored are qualifications with a course- and examination fee off/from 1000€
  • sponsored are employees with main residence in Brandenburg
  • sponsored are up to 70% of the collective edition

  • sponsoring of extra occupational modules and also extra occupational degree courses are possible

This is where you can find brief information
Everything else you find here

Other federal states use similar funding possibilities. We would love to support you with your research.