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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Past events

07.09.2021: “Strategies for Effective Writing” (time: 9.00 - 16.30)  

Trainer: Mirela Husić

Content: As a PhD student, you are repeatedly asked to present your research results in written form and ensure that you get from your ideas and the research papers to own convincing texts. Mastering this text work can be a great challenge and thus lead to unproductive work phases. Therefore, this workshop focuses on professional writing strategies which can contribute to a productive writing process when used purposefully.

In this workshop you will...

1. reflect on your previous writing strategies,

2. figure out for which purposes your previous writing strategies are more and for which they are less suitable,

3. try out a number of new writing strategies in order to identify...

4. those strategies that will help you the most in your academic writing.

The goal of the workshop is that you will have a larger repertoire of appropriate writing strategies and thus be able to manage the work process more efficiently.

Language: English

02.12.2020 (10.00 - 16.30 o'clock): “Research Data Management”

Lecturer: Katarzyna Biernacka (

Target group: PhD students

Language: English

Content: Life-cycle of research data, research data policies, data management planning, structuring of data, documentation, saving and backup, long term archives, publication of research data, subsequent use of research data legal aspects.

30.07.2020 (about 13.30 - 16.30 o'clock) “Self-evaluation and time planning”

Workshop leader: Jenny Hammerich

Target group: PhD students

Language: English

Content: In this workshop, we would like to take a retrospective look at what has been achieved in the past months for the respective doctoral project and work out which areas and goals still need to be adapted. Furthermore, we will work on the medium-term time planning (approx. 3 months) of the individual doctoral projects. The workshop is held regularly at 3-month intervals.

02.07.2020 (about 10.00 - 15.00 o'clock) “Exploration of biodiversity data and literature via text mining”

Lecturer: Dr. Adrian Pachzelt BIOfid (

Target group: PhD students, Professors, Scientific staff

Language: English

Content: The specialised Information Service for Biodiversity Research (BIOfid) provides current and historic literature concerning biodiversity in contemporary format for supra-regional Use and availability. Text mining procedures enable the automatic evaluation and semantic processing of texts. Data sets on the taxonomy and biogeography of organisms, which are on the one hand difficult to access in historical works and on the other hand are increasingly available in digital documents, can thus be mobilized and processed for further research questions. In this workshop, participants will receive a theoretical and practical introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP) - and text mining techniques as well as to the use of the BIOfid-Portal

06.05.2020 (10.00 - 18.00 o'clock) „Time and self management for PhD students”

Lecturer: Edda Wilde (

Target Group: PhD students

Language: German

Content: Setting Priorities and working for and with goals, strategic planning of long-term projects, productive self-feedback and acknowledgment of Progress,  management of divers tasks (PhD, conferences, publications, 
), time-management techniques and work organisation, coping with „I do it tomorrow“.