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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

​​​​​​​Forestry System Transformation (M.Sc.)forest_cmyk_180611

To the Faculty of Forest and Environment


Prof. Dr. Carsten Mann

Head of study programme

FST ... in a nutshell

  • Consecutive degree programme for graduates of forestry, applied forestry or environmental sciences degrees
  • FOCUS:  socio-economics, integrated forest ecosystem recource management
  • GOALS: students develop an understanding of the impact of the changing conditions and changing use of forest resources on forest ecosystems, ecosystem goods and services and the connected value-added chain
  • Beginning winter semester 2018/19, annually hereafter
  • 4 semester (120 ECTS points)
  • Full-time university-based degree
  • Vacancy: 25
  • Language: Englisch (B2)


News & Events​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Introductory Course ,,Forest Ecology and Management''


After two intensive learning weeks (in the field and virtual) the new M.Sc. introductory module aboutForest Ecology and Managementhas closed for the FST and FIT programme. The students also enjoyed the field trips to selected forest sites that were included in the module. All lecturers involved  are  very happy to have you in the FIT / FST Master programme this year.



FST has its first graduate! Congratulations to Kristina Jäger on her graduation!

Article about this under the following link

First Tiny Forest in Germany!

Germany's first Tiny Forest was realized on a private property in the Uckermark 🌳🌲 The idea behind the "Forest of Diversity" project: This rapidly growing microhabitat is intended to make a contribution to climate protection that is also easy for others to imitate. The project is being implemented by Stefan Scharfe (Forestry System Transformation M.Sc.) and Lukas Steingässer (International Forest Ecosystem Management B.Sc.)...


You can find reports on the project at FRITZ and [w] wie Wissen (ARD). More information about the project!


 Image: T. Cremer

During the introductory week, the FST first semester students of the WiSe 2019/20 took part in an excursion to the climbing forest (24th of September 2019)


Report on the excursion of the FST students to the 9th National Forum on biological Diversity in Berlin on the 10th October 2018

Image: Z.Zaimeche