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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

S​​​​​​​tudents & activities

Enrolment year 2019

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Enrolment year 2018

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Enrolment year 2017

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Enrolment year 2016

Contet to follow​​​​​​​

Enrolment year 2015


in the winter semester 2015/2016 27 students from 11 different countries (Bangladesh,
Cameroon, Germany, Greece,  India, Iran, Nigeria, Poland, Romania, Spain and Vietnam) have started their studies

Enrolment year 2015


Enrolment year 2013

students in computer room

Enrolment year 2012

students outside in the vicinity of the campus

Enrolment year 2011

students outside the faculty building

Enrolment year 2010

students in GIS computer pool

Enrolment year 2009

students in front of the faculty building

Enrolment year 2008

from left to right:
MIchael Heym (Germany), Prof. Dr. Tomasz Zawila-Niedzwiecki (Poland), Anna Sitek (Poland),
Anto Raja Dominic Raphael (India), Jakub Badelek (Poland),  Katrin Pohl, Tobias Herrmann (both Germany)
,Besim Hoxha (Albania), Martin Bull, Johannes Petraschek (both Germany), Michal Zugajewicz (Poland),
 Kuma Jude Nkuo (Cameroon), Prof. Dr. Alfred Schultz (Germany)

Enrolment year 2007

students at excursion in the vicinity of Eberswalde (boat lift in Niederfinow)

Enrolment year 2006

​​​​​students at a landscape ecological excursion in the Ziethen moraine landscape 

Enrolment year 2005

group photo enrolment 2005
from left to right:
Sebastian Junge, Henning Wehebrink, Sebastian Kahlert, Katrin Haggenmüller (all Germany),
Prof. Tomasz Zawila-Niedzwiecki (Poland), Ludwig Dorfstetter (Austria), Yasmin Murn (Germany),
Christoph Nowicki (Germany, course coordinator), Stephen Wingard (USA), Mansour Mahamane (Niger),
Prof. Dr. Alfred Schultz (Germany), Addo Koranteng (Ghana), Christipher Wolf (Germany/USA), Alexander Marks (Germany);
not on the photo: Manuela Hugger (Germany)