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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Information on the uni-assist application procedure

Have you obtained your degree abroad or passed an assessment test at a preparatory college (Studienkolleg)? If so, please send your application to uni-assist e.V. This is a service institution that checks your documents on behalf of our university and forwards them to us if all requirements are met.

Steps of the uni-assist application

1. Please complete the application form online via the applicant portal of uni-assist e.V.

2. Please upload your complete application documents (references/certificates, etc.) in the application portal (My Assist).

3. Transfer the processing fee to uni-assist e.V.

The processing fee and all documents must be received by uni-assist e.V. before the application deadline. If the submitted documents are not sufficient for a final evaluation, uni-assist can request further documents. You will receive a notification of the status of your application within four weeks.

What happens with my application? 

If the application is complete and meets the formal admission requirements, uni-assist will forward your application to our university. At the end of the selection procedure, you will be informed whether you will receive a place in the desired degree programme at the university.

Special feature for study programmes participating in the DoSV (Forestry, International Forest Ecosystem Management, Landscape Use and Nature Conservation, Organic Agriculture and Marketing): For study programmes participating in the DoSV (Hochschulstart), you must first actively accept the admission offer on the Hochschulstart portal before EUSD can send the admission notice. If you do not meet the formal admission requirements, uni-assist will ask you to submit missing documents within the application period. You will receive a notification of the status of your application within four weeks.