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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

FAQ on Application and Admission

Admission Limits of the Restricted Study Programmes of the Last Few Years


Frequently asked questions about application and admission

ASS_application and admission
1. When are the application deadlines – for students with German or with foreign certificates?
2. How do I apply with a German entrance qualification?
3. How do I apply with a foreign entrance qualification?
4. What do I do if I have problems creating the account?
5. What file formats can I upload on the HNEE online applicant portal?
6. How many files can be uploaded on the HNEE online applicant portal?
7. I don’t have my leaving certificate yet. Can I still apply?
8. Do I have to send in the original copy of my certificates?
9. Can I apply for several study programmes at the same time?
10. Is there a numerus clausus?
11. How do I calculate my waiting period?
12. Under what circumstances can I make a special application/application for hardship case?
13. What must I bear in mind if I have already studied at a university?
14. Can I start to study at HNEE if I have been permanently excluded from a study programme by another university due to failing an examination?
15. When will I be notified of my admission/rejection to study at HNEE?
16. How will I be informed of a rejection or acceptance?
17. How and by when do I have to enrol in order to secure my place of study?
18. What should I do if I did not get a university place and am still interested in a place at HNEE?
19. Can I study without the Abitur (general university entrance qualification) / Fachhochschulreife (university of applied sciences entry qualification)?
20. Is there a semester ticket for local public transport?
21. When do I have to get study and examination performances recognised?


Student Support Service Department & International Office

City Campus
New Forestry Academy
(House 5)

Ground Floor, right hand side

Schicklerstraße 5
16225 Eberswalde

Tel.: + 49 (0) 3334 657-134
Fax: + 49 (0) 3334 657-136

