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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde


Application for financial support by the AStA


All students of the HNE Eberswalde have the right to submit applications for financial support to the AStA. You would like to organize your own projects and workshops or urgently need funds for an initiative? Then you can contact us. The only thing that is important is that the AStA does not use its funding to support general teaching in the sense of the university or the study program. For all other projects it is worthwhile to apply to us before you spend the money privately.

Submit an application

  1. Download and fill out the application (at least 7 days before the next AStA meeting)
  2. Send application to asta[ät]
  3. The application will be discussed at the next AStA meeting, where you should be present.
    1. For events/projects on a specific date, the AStA meeting should be at least two weeks before.




Important Documents

Antrag auf finanzielle Unterstuetzung durch den AStA.pdf