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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Silence Space AG


"Silence Spaces are technology-free places of rest and silence, where no form of occupation or accomplishment is practiced. Everyone can do what they need to do without restricting others: lie down, meditate, pray, practice yoga - All without outside input."

More information about the concept of Silence Spaces can be found at:

+++ News +++

Dear all,

the yurt is back up and ready for you.
Until 4pm the yurt is open to be used as a technology-free space to just be, lie down, meditate, pray, practice yoga, read...
On some of the days courses are offered from 4pm onwards at different days and times. Currently most courses offered are in German, and some are in English, please check out the German website for an up to date schedule and descriptions of the offers. We are working on updating the English website.

++ Prior News +++

Dear all,

you may have noticed that the yurt was taken down a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, we have had the experience over the last few years that there can be problems with moisture during the winter. Therefore, we have opted to put the yurt in dry storage during the cold season and rebuild it in the spring and let it flourish. While the yurt enjoys its hibernation, we want to give you the opportunity to experience inner peace even in winter.

If you are interested in yurt building or would like to help organize events, you can join our Orga group. Currently, we are planning to build the yurt next spring, some remodeling work on the platform, and a week of silence in the summer semester.
The AG Group is on Telegram, come join us: 

Online courses

Causal Looping: In this group you have the opportunity to learn the method of Causal Looping. In this method you will learn to listen to your counterpart and help him to see the big picture of various problems and issues. This group is entirely in English. If you are interested in system thinking, system modeling or quantitative research, this is the place for you. Causal Looing Group

Workshops in the yurt

+++ The yurt is back up since the 1st of April (no yoke here^^) +++

Registration is required for some courses. See details below.
(Please remember your own yoga mat, thick socks and whatever else you need for each class.)

08.00 - 9.30

9.30 - 17.00OffenerRuheraumfüralle

17.00 - 20.00

Many of the workshops and offerings in the yurt take place on a donation basis. Information about this and possible donation recommendations can be found in the course descriptions below.

However, it is important for us to emphasize that these are really only recommendations for free donations. We want to make it possible for everyone who is interested to participate in the courses, regardless of financial means.

10% of the donations will always go to Silence Space AG to cover the maintenance costs of the yurt.

Current events

  • in Präsenz: Offene Gruppe in german: dienstags 5pm - approx. 8pm

At the weekly meeting, changing trainers give workshops and courses on different mindfulness topics such as meditation, yoga, breathing, relaxation, etc.

Join our telegram group for more information (or write us an email in case you don´t use telegram!)

  • in person: Open group in english

At the weekly meeting, changing trainers give workshops and courses on different mindfulness topics such as meditation, yoga, breathing, relaxation etc.

Join our telegram group for more information (or write us an email in case you don´t use telegram!)

If you have any questions about the workshop offerings or would like to offer something yourself, please feel free to contact us!

Our yurt - pictures from the construction to now

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Opening hours: 

Monday - Friday 6am - 8pm