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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

International Forestry Students' Association (IFSA)​​​​​​​


What is IFSA?

IFSA is a non political, non religious and not for profit organization that connects forestry students from all over the world in a wide spectrum of activities.

Our vision

IFSA’s vision is for global cooperation among students of forest sciences in order to broaden knowledge and understanding to achieve a sustainable future for our forests, and to provide a voice for youth in international ​​​​​​​forest policy processes.

Our mission

Our mission is to provide a platform for students of forest sciences to enrich their formal education, promote cultural understanding by encouraging collaboration with international partner organizations and facilitating students in gaining practical experiences with a wider and more global perspective. Through its network, IFSA encourages student meetings, enables participation in scientific debates, and supports the involvement of youth in decision making processes and international forest and environmental policy.


For more infomation click HERE!

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