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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde



First Tiny Forest in Germany!


Germany's first Tiny Forest was realized on a private property in the Uckermark 🌳🌲 The idea behind the "Forest of Diversity" project: This rapidly growing microhabitat is intended to make a contribution to climate protection that is also easy for others to imitate. The project is being implemented by Stefan Scharfe (Forestry System Transformation M.Sc.) and Lukas Steingässer (International Forest Ecosystem Management B.Sc.)...

You can find reports on the project at FRITZ and [w] wie Wissen (ARD). More information about the project!

Finizio at the German Bundestag


Here you can find an interview with the managing director of Finzio, Florian Augustin

IFEM graduate Florian Augustin and his team from Finizio were guests at the kick-off meeting in the German Bundestag to give a lecture on "sustainable food production in closed material cycles". It was more precisely about their "Recycling demonstration plant" in Eberswalde. Within the scope of their project Finizio, Florian and his team design comfortable and future-oriented sanitary systems by refining human excrements into fertile soil - hygienic, odourless and efficient. Speakers from the Federal Ministry of Food & Agriculture (BMEL), the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) as well as experts from science & research were present at the technical discussion. Further information about the project can be found HERE

A current report on the project can also be seen on ZDF

Image: Finizio


German Forest Award for IFEM graduate Milan Hänsel ( gGmbH)

V. l.: Prof. Dr. Andreas W. Bitter (PEFC), Rainer Soppa (Deutscher Waldbesitzer), Milan Hänsel (, Florian Schmitt (Stihl)

For the first time this year the special prize "Sustainability Forest" was awarded in the context of the German Forest Award (Deutscher Waldpreis) The choice fell thereby on the gGmbH from Berlin. Digitalisation represents a particular challenge in forest management. The gGmbH with employee Milan Hänsel (IFEM graduate) develops solutions for a forestry 4.0, which meets the requirements of family forestry enterprises and forest enterprise communities in particular. Thus provides an innovative contribution to the achievement of our common goal of an efficient, sustainable and multifunctional forestry. This commitment convinced the jury.

Image: C. Mühlhausen via


Visit to the University of Quindío
 During his tour, visiting selected Universities with a strong focus on environment and sustainable development, Christoph Nowicki was invited by the University of Quindío, Colombia (from August 7th to August 13th 2019). First discussions on cooperation options for the development of a new study programme on forest management and conservation, started in 2018 during a visit of a Colombian delegation in Eberswalde, thanks to the initiative of Norbert Pudzich, German Honorary Consul in Armenia. Now, first concrete steps towards a living cooperation have been intensively discussed and defined with the heads of faculties, study programmes and the Rector, how strongly supports the cooperation. In 2020, the University of Quindío will offer internships (in cooperation with partner institutions) for IFEM-students but would also like to cooperate with the study programmes on Global Change Management and Forestry System Transformation.


From left to right:: C. Nowicki, Carolina Bolaños Rodríguez (Head of International Office at Ikiam), Jesús Ramos Martín (Principal at Ikiam)

Invitation to “Universidad Regional Amazónica – Ikiamâ€
On August 5th 2019, Christoph Nowicki (EUSD) has been invited by the “Universidad Regional Amazónica – Ikiamâ€, Ecuador, to discuss possibilities for cooperation in student exchange between our Universities together with the Heads of the University and of the most suitable study programmes. Special emphasis was given on the cooperation with the undergraduate programme “International Forest Ecosystem Management†(B.Sc.). Ikiam has a strong focus on sustainable development in the Amazon region, implements projects in close collaboration with the local and indigenous population and showed a great interest in EUSD and a close future cooperation.

Images: C. Nowicki



From left to right:: C. Nowicki, Carolina Bolaños Rodríguez (Head of International Office at Ikiam), Jesús Ramos Martín (Principal at Ikiam)


Cooperation talks at Western Colorado University

On July 15th-17th 2019, the dean of the ‘School of Environment and Sustainability’, Dr. John Hausdoerffer (middle), from ‘Western Colorado University’ in Gunnison (Colorado), invited his faculty members and Christoph Nowicki (EUSD) to intensively discuss the future cooperation and student exchange between our two partner Universities. Special emphasis was given on the cooperation with the undergraduate programme ‘International Forest Ecosystem Management†(B.Sc.) and the graduate programme ‘Global Change Management’ (M.Sc.).

Image: C. Nowicki


EUSD to become member of the ‘Resilience Studies Consortium’ (RSC)

Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (EUSD) has been invited to become a member of the ‘Resilience Studies Consortium’ (RSC), a network of eleven North American Universities interested in applied research on resilience and sustainability topics. For the first time, the RSC is reaching out for international partners and invited EUSD to become the first European and the ‘Environmental University’ (UMA - Mexico) the first Latin American partner. Christoph Nowicki participated in the RSC annual retreat in Tacoma, Washington, at ‘The Evergreen State College’ (11.07.-13.07.2019) as a representative for EUSD and presented how resilience topics are being integrated into teaching and research at EUSD.

Image: C. Nowicki


Visit from the Netherlands

Prof. Peter van der Meer (centre), from Van Hall Larenstein – University for Applied Sciences, Netherlands, surrounded by his colleagues from Eberswalde and 6. Semester IFEM-Students participating in the module on “Forest landscape restorationâ€, coordinated by Prof. Peter Spathelf. Peter von der Meer is a regular guest lecturer of this module, sharing essential international experiences from his research at Van Hall Larenstein from projects all over the world.     

Image: C. Nowicki


Professional field presentation

Last Wednesday, the annual professional field presentation took place at the Department of Forest and Environment, where alumni of the study programmes Forestry & International Forest Ecosystem Management students gave an insight into their working lives.

Image: C. Nowicki


Becoming Partner Universities


During the Sustainability Days, Dr. John Hausdoerffer (Dean of School of Environment & Sustainability; Western Colorado University) will give a lecture on the topic: »Deep Sustainability: Humans as a Keystone Species« Prior to the lecture, Dr. John Hausdoerffer for Western Colorado University and Prof. Dr. Wilhelm-Günther Vahrson for HNEE will sign a Memorandum of Understanding, to seal the new partnership between the US University and the HNEE.

Image: Madeleine Scharnweber

WCU-EWS-visit at EUSD_27-010319_CN_0410_low_cut

From February 27th  to March 1st, a delegation from the European Wilderness Society, partner of International Forest Ecosystem Management, and the Western Colorado University in Gunnison, USA, started to discuss a new cooperation between the two Universities, with a special focus on International Forest Ecosystem Management (B.Sc.)Global Change Management (M.Sc.) and joint research projects related to the Centre of Econics and Ecosystem Management.

From left to right: Prof. Pierre Ibisch, Vlado Vancura, Christoph Nowicki, Anni Henning, Prof. Jonathan Coop, Max Rossberg, Jeanette Blumroeder, Prof. John Hausdoerfer (photo: C. Nowicki)

Peter Spathelf at SLU_2018_corr

Guest lecture in Sweden

On November 30th Prof. Spathelf gave a lecture on 'Continuous-Cover-Forestry in Germany' at the Swedish Agricultural University (SLU). Close-to-nature forest management or permanent forest management is also a much discussed forest management approach in Sweden.


Deans Day at the HNE Eberswalde

On the 13th November 2018 an exchange of information took place at the HNE Eberswalde between representatives of the forestry faculties and departments in Germany (so-called Dean's Day) The discussions focused on questions of education, the development of student numbers, digitisation in research and teaching as well as internationalisation. The aim is to hold the meeting every 2 years.

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New IFEM-Partner: European Wilderness Society

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm-Günther Vahrson, President of Eberswalde University for sustainable Develpment and Max A E Rossberg (left), Chairman of the European Wilderness Society, signed a comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding fostering joint activities
for the IFEM-Study Programme.

01-IFEM-20 jaehriges Jubilaeum_2809918_CN_0035_Low_Jonas Sitte-500px

20 Years Anniversary Symposium of the Bachelor Study Programme International Forest Ecosystem Management

With over 150 guests, the IFEM programme celebrated its 20th anniversary on 28 September 2018. In addition to the IFEM-partners (Dr. Elke Mannigel (OroVerde), Simon Mader (Querdenker / FuturoVerde) and Dr. Michael Haubold-Rosar (Forschungsinstitut für Bergbaufolge-landschaften e.V. Finsterwalde) and international guest speakers (PhD Peter van der Meer (Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands) as well as Max Rossberg (European Wilderness Society, Austria)), many alumni were guests. After the festive programme with exciting lectures and humorous memories of the early days of the study programme, the alumni and IFEM students used the opportunity for exchange and cheerful  togetherness with live music and grilled game sausages or cheese until late in the evening. 

Image: Jonas Sitte


During a visit of a delegation from the "Universidad del Quindío" (Colombia) to the Department of Forests and Environment on 19th March 2018, the common aim of cooperation was confirmed by the signing of a cooperation agreement. In particular, a student exchange and the possibility of joint project work (practical semesters abroad) are to be initiated for the IFEM programme.

From left to right: Norbert Pudzich, Luis Fernando Polanía, Obando, Christoph Nowicki, Wilhelm-Günther Vahrson, José Fernando Echeverry Murillo,
Pierre Ibisch, Peter Spathelf, Gustavo Botero Echeverry. Image: Hnee



Brown-bag talk at ICIMOD in Kathmandu

On the 02nd of November 2017 Professor Spathelf held a brown-bag talk at ICIMOD in Kathmandu on the topic 'Climate change adaptation of forests in Brandenburg'. ICIMOD is a knowledge centre supported by 8 countries of the Himalaya region for the integrated sustainable development of mountain regions.


Scientific Evening Lecture at the German Physical Society Berlin

On 23 May 2017, Professor Spathelf gave a lecture on 'Forests, development and climate change' at the Magnus House of the German Physical Society (DPG) in Berlin. Forests are central natural resources and cover a considerable part of the earth's surface. Important current processes of global forest area development and the importance of forests for sustainable development were discussed. In addition, the role of forests in climate change and the importance of sustainable forest management were discussed.

The discussion was chaired by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Eberhardt, Scientific Director Magnus-Haus Berlin.

Bonn Climate Change Conference 2017

Steffen Dehn, student of "International Forest Ecosystem Management", participated as delegate of the "International Forestry Students Association (IFSA)" in May 2017 at the "Bonn Climate Change Conference" of the United Nations.
Here is a link to a short video on Facebook in which he looks back on an eventful week.

Professional field presentation 2017

On Wednesday, 25 April 2017, students of the International Forest Ecosystem Management (IFEM) study programme had the opportunity to attend a presentation on the "old problem" of the not clearly defined occupational field.

Therefore, the former IFEMs brought their experiences in education and profession closer to the current students and gave their view on the possibilities and potentials of the study programme - there is a life after IFEM!


Prof. Sandy Smith 2 v.r.

Visit from Canada

Prof. Sandy Smith (pictured 2nd from right) from the University of Toronto visited the Department of Forest and Environment on September 12, 2016. Interesting cooperation possibilities in the field of student exchange, the development of joint courses and research were explored. A possible technical focus of the future cooperation is seen in the area of 'Urban forestry'.

Image: hnee

Forest Landscape Restoration

Dr. Peter van der Meer and Rosa Diemont (in picture 1. and 2. upper right row) from the VHL in Larenstein (Netherlands) made important contributions to the block 'Forest Landscape Restoration' with lectures on Tropical Forest Rehabilitation and Community Forestry in Suriname.

This block was the last joint event of most Ifem students in 2013.

Image: hnee

Diversification of pine reforestations in Spain

Professor José A. Reque , Professor of Forestry at the University of Valladolid in Palencia (Spain), gave an impressive lecture on the diversification of pine reforestation in central Spain. He used state-of-the-art interactive learning techniques and 'flipped classroom' approaches to take students with him and encourage them to bring their own ideas for improving the management of these pine forests into the discussion.

Visit to Ukraine

Professor Spathelf visited Professor Vasyl Lavnyy from the National Forestry University of Ukraine (UNFU) in Lviv (Lemberg) within the framework of the project 'Civil Society Engagement for Sustainable Forest Management - Supporting Democracy through the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Discourse and Transparency of Promoting Forms of Cooperation' (Head: Prof. Ibisch). Joint publications on the pine industry in Ukraine and on near-natural silviculture are in preparation.

in Chorin 02.2016 Dietmar Discher Lubosh Blasko_1000

Professor Vasyl Lavnyy visits the faculty

In February 2016 Professor Vasyl Lavnyy (right) from the Lemberger Forstuniversität was a guest at the department.

In the context of the project "Civil society engagement for sustainable forest management - support of democracy through the promotion of interdisciplinary discourse and transparency in promoting forms of cooperation" he deals with sustainable near-natural forest management in Germany and how this could be transferred to management approaches in the Ukraine, especially in the pine industry. Of particular interest are the possibilities for stakeholders to influence the development of management plans.

Image: hnee

Professor Dr. Spathelf in Larenstein

From 05 to 08 January 2016 Prof. Spathelf visited the Larenstein University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands as part of the ERASMUS exchange of lecturers and discussed possibilities of student exchange and scientific cooperation.


Talks and excursions in Serbia

ILFE Novi Sad

From 30 November to 04 December 2015 Prof. Spathelf visited the Institute for Lowland Forestry and Environment (ILFE) of the University of Novi Sad in Serbia. The aim of the stay was to discuss the application for funding for a research network (MOEL-SOEL tender of the BMBF). On an excursion to the Kruska Gora National Park, a variety of mixed deciduous forests (mainly oak, lime and hornbeam) could be admired.


Images: hnee

As a guest in Eberswalde


Image: Prof. Dr. Peter Spathelf

Eberswalde, 25.09.2015. Last week Professor Ayan from Kastamonu University in the Turkish provincial capital of the same name (right) and Professor Reque from the University of Valladolid were guests at the Department of Forests and Environment and in the Forest Botanical Gardens as part of Erasmus Mobility.

During an excursion in the Eberswalde and Chorin area, current silvicultural issues were discussed and joint project ideas were concretized.

Prof. Ted Wilson as guest at the faculty

Ted Wilson Image: Prof. Dr. Peter Spathelf

From 30 June to 10 July 2015, forest farmer Prof. Ted Wilson (Toronto University) was a guest of Prof. Spathelf at the Department of Forests and Environment. In a very entertaining and interesting guest lecture he discussed the possibilities and limits of Continuous Cover Forestry in Great Britain.

In addition, possibilities for further cooperation in research and teaching were discussed.

  Ted_Wilson2_1000   Image: Prof. Dr. Peter Spathelf

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