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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Transformation for a Sustainable Future in South-East-Asia (TranSEA)  

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At the end of 2019, the interdisciplinary competence centre „Transformation for a Sustainable Future in South-East-Asia“ (TranSEA) was founded at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development. The competence centre is supported by the BMBF, through the DAAD HAW-International Program (Modul B). The competence centre is intended to promote the further development and expansion of academic partnerships in Southeast Asia and network the various activities and projects.

Academic partnerships have been maintained for years between HNEE Faculties I and IV and partners in Southeast Asia. Cooperation projects are ongoing with partner universities in Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam. By bringing together various activities and projects in the region, planned conceptual projects are conceived more strategically, synergies are created and inter-departmental cooperation with partner universities is established and expanded in a more targeted manner.

For more information about the TranSEA partner universities, click here.

Goals of the competence center:

  • Establishment of a network of practice partners to support internships abroad

  • Application of M.Sc. courses or modules in digital teachingMyanmar II

  • Structural strengthening of teaching and research at all locations

  • Conception and implementation of joint summer schools, Intensive Learning Periods or Master-Class Courses

  • Establishment and introduction of joint courses of study as well as further education and qualification offers

  • Conceptualization of joint research projects and acquisition of grant funding

  • Promotion of the exchange between the participating universities and partners in practice 

    • Awarding individual scholarships for particularly suitable international students from the partner universities in the SEA region for a stay abroad at HNEE;

    • Awarding individual scholarships for particularly suitable HNEE students for compulsory internships and research stays in the SEA region;

    • Promotion of teaching, research and further training stays of employees to and from the SEA region;

    • Examination of the establishment of a joint graduate college to promote doctoral studies

Apply for an internship or exchange semester through the TranSEA project:

deadline 11.11.2022

Call for Applications for Winter Semester 2022-23 in Eberswalde (for students from South-East-Asia)



Call for Application for Winter Semester 2022-23 in SE-Asia (for HNEE students)




Call for Application for Summer Semester 2023 in SE-Asia (for HNEE students)


no deadline

Apply for an internship in Eberswalde or South-East-Asia within the framework of the TranSEA project


Follow TranSEA on:​​​​​​​​​facebook-logo-pnginstagram-1581266_1280


Link zur HNEE-Projektseite

03334 - 657 505
