The STIBET scholarship and support programme is sponsored by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Foreign Office. It consists of four funding programmes. The aim of the programme is to significantly improve the supervision and academic success of international students. HNEE participates in the programme line STIBET I.
What types of scholarships are available in the STIBET I programme?
STIBET-I-Scholarship for finalising studies
The requirements for funding are good educational achievements and the expectation of a successful degree within one year. This scholarship is only suitable for regularly enroled full-time international students at HNEE.
This scholarship can be awarded for 1-2 months. The monthly subsidy at HNEE is at least 250 €.
STIBET-I-Scholarship for highly committed students
The requirements for funding are good educational achievements but also special engagement in the international context at HNEE.
In addition, international students who have been in distress without their own fault should be given the opportunity to concentrate on their studies and final degree.
This scholarship can be awarded for 1-2 months. The monthly subsidy at HNEE is at least 250 €.
Application and selection process
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Who can apply?
Bachelor and Master students who
- are regularly enrolled at the HNEE (not exchange students),
- and who are not German citizens
Furthermore, applicants must have obtained their general university entrance qualification at a school abroad (this includes German schools abroad) or have obtained their admission requirements for a Master Degree course at a university abroad. School qualifications acquired abroad, which are supplemented by a German preparatory colleges, are also possible.
What are the application deadlines?
Every year you can apply for a STIBET-I scholarship at the International Office until 9th October. You can apply for one or more of the two options.
Please note that only complete applications submitted within the deadline can be considered by the selection committee! Missing Documents are not requested subsequently and there is no extension of the deadline. Please also submitt your application in one pdf document.
How are the scholarship holders selected?
After receiving the applications in due time, the selection committee will choose suitable applicants.The evaluation is based on the specifications of the DAAD and the selection criteria of the EUSD.
Depending on the type of application, mainly the academic performance and progress of studies are assessed or the special engagement of the applicants in an international context is evaluated. Neediness will also be assessed where necessary.
Who's in the selection committee?
The HNEE selection committee consists of
- one representative of each of the four faculties,
- the Equal Opportunities Officer,
- the Internationalisation Officer,
- two student representatives and the
- HNEE International Office
Can I receive another scholarship or receive earnings from employment at the same time?
Other scholarships (e.g. the German scholarship „Deutschlandstipendium“) can be obtained at the same time, but the amount of the STIBET scholarship will be reduced depending on the amount of the other scholarship.
Please declare all earnings from employment in full, otherwise the application may be disqualified!
You need the following documents for your application: