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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Student Support Service Department & International Office

The Student Support Service Department & International Office (Abteilung Studierendenservice & International Office) is the first contact point for concerns of prospective students, for applicants to a place at our university and for our students. Any questions concerning studies including examinations, stays abroad, multiple stresses e.g. because of family responsibilities as well as study financing can be directed to us.

Moreover, the International Office supports our university in implementing the strategy of internationalization.

Team und Erreichbarkeit

Team and availability

Here you will find our contact information and an overview of our team

Formulare und Antraege


Forms and applications you will need during your studies at the HNEE...


Study orientation and open university

Here we present our offers  for prospective students and guests of our university ...

Bewerbung und Zulassung

Application and admission

Everything relating to application, admission, enrolment (immatriculation), auditing students at our university — including international applicants…


Studies and examinations

Everything relating to re-registration, Eberswalde Greencard (Student ID), examinations, certificates, recognition of examinations, leave of absence, de-registration (exmatriculation) etc.

Besondere Umstaende

Studying in exceptional circumstances

Everything relating to studying with family responsibilities, physical or mental constraints, disability, or chronic diseases, as well as advisory services


Living, financing and funding

Information about financing facilities, opportunities for scholarships (e.g. HNEE-Deutschlandstipendium), and living in Eberswalde

Welcome Center

International Office and Welcome Center

Information for Incomings and Outgoings, about our buddy programme for a successful  beginning of your studies and much more