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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Climate-neutral semester ticket

Klimaneutrales Semesterticket


Why a climate-neutral semester ticket?

Each year, commuting between students' homes and the HNEE causes emissions of approximately 1000 tons of CO2 equivalents, which were not previously included by the university in its emissions accounting. These mobility emissions are more than three times higher than the total other emissions caused by the HNEE from the use of energy and university-related mobility.

When Dr. Grube, then CEO of Deutsche Bahn AG, gave the 5th Sustainability Lecture at HNEE, he was asked whether Deutsche Bahn could not support HNEE in making the semester ticket climate neutral. As a result, there were several meetings and discussions with representatives of the AStA, the university, the VBB and the transport companies of the Eberswalde semester ticket to work out a way to make the greencard climate neutral.

Aim of the project

The Eberswalde Greencard already promotes sustainable mobility through the use of local public transport and thus already saves many greenhouse gas emissions compared to private motorized transport. In this step, the approximately 1,000 tons of CO2 equivalents per year that are mathematically emitted within the framework of the semester ticket are now also to be reduced on balance. For this reason, CO2 emissions will be reduced to zero in the balance sheet during the project period of initially 3 years starting in the winter semester 2017/2018.

How do we achieve our climate neutrality?

With additional purchases of green electricity by the transport companies that have not yet switched completely to green electricity, greenhouse gas emissions are initially reduced to a minimum. In addition, we offset emissions from diesel vehicles and upstream emissions from renewable energies through a climate protection project run by Ivakale e.V. as a compensation project. Thus, greenhouse gas emissions are reduced to zero g CO2 equivalents on balance. The graph shows the passenger kilometers driven as part of the semester ticket by transport company, the breakdown by type of drive and the resulting need for green electricity and compensation services.



The financing is provided by the transport companies, the university and the students via payment of a "climate euro" as part of the semester fee. Our climate-neutral semester ticket is the first in Germany and also contributes effectively to raising awareness through internal and external communication.

* shifting effects in green electricity purchases will reduce global emissions by less than 1000 t CO2e/a

Documents and proofs

Herkunftsnachweis Ökostrom: 2017_S-Bahn-Berlin_HNEE.pdf 

Herkunftsnachweis Ökostrom: 2017_DB-Regio_HNEE.pdf 

