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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde
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Climate Protection Week

Banner Klimaschutzwoche

Our climate provides the basis of our common life for all people. In order to draw attention to this, we have been organizing the annual Climate Protection Week for students, employees and interested citizens from young to old at the HNEE since 2015. In the context of public discussion rounds, lectures or DIY workshops, discussions are held with experts, films are shown, projects are presented or participatory activities are offered in order to raise awareness for the topic of climate protection and to identify opportunities for action. Together with our cooperation partners, we convey how important it is that everyone experiences his/her self-efficacy through these actions and consolidates his/her own point of view.

The Climate Protection Week took place from 2015 to 2018 and was then replaced by the Sustainability Days in 2019.