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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde
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KI-Nachhaltigkeitslabor (KIN'L)

What’s the KIN’L?

The Artificial Intelligence Sustainability Lab at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (KI-Nachhaltigkeitslabor, KIN’L@HNEE).

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the establishment of an AI sustainability laboratory at HNEE as part of the KI-Nachwuchs@FH funding guideline. The endeavour is centered on the acquisition of an AI computing system for use in teaching, research and transfer.

  • April 1st 2023 to April 30th 2025
  • Funding body: BMBF
  • Contact person: Peter Neumeister

The specialist areas are conformed by our faculties/departments (Forest and the environment, Landscape Use and Nature Conservation, Wood Engineering, Sustainable economy) and involving the areas of teaching, research and transfer. About the KIN'L structure, it's composed by:

KIN'L-SATELLITE: Concrete project-financed research topics to develop on KIN'L-CORE, collaborative efforts within the university and also with external partners.

KIN'L-OPENLAB: Open access to KIN'L-CORE and JupyterLab as a learning environment.

KIN'L-CORE: Hardware, software and maintenance of the AI infrastructure.



Access to the server, onboarding documents

We provide access to our server for users at HNEE and provide the following instructions:

OnboardingProcessForTheKINL0.2.pdf  (version 0.2, last updated on October 16th, 2024)


Some slides of our first presentation and introduction to the university community:


Introductory jupyter notebook with simple example for audio classification:


Advanced jupyter notebook with deep learning training for image classification:


Contact information

Jorge Ruiz

Research associate at the AI Sustainability Lab