Dr. rer. silv. Nadine Herold
Research contact person, chemical analysis, wood chemistry
Tassilo Goldmann M.Sc.
Research assistant, Kleinholz
Anja Kampe M.Sc.
Product development, wood analytics, 3D printing, project management
János Kneifel M.Sc.
Research assistant, acoustic wood projects
Leo Felix Munier M.Sc.
Composite materials, circular economy
Christoph Munk M.Sc.
Acoustic wood projects, acoustic tests
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Christian Müller
Research assistant, Win-Altholz
Tim Peters M.Sc.
Research assistant, Kleinholz
Martin Wozniak M.Sc.
Research assistant, circular economy
Many thanks to our former contributors:
Dr. Franziska Baensch ( DIN - Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Radiographic testing)
Ole Bäthmann B.Eng.
Tom Brodhagen M.Sc. (self-employed - EberHolz)
Lothar Clauder
Dr.-Ing. Tom Franke (Reserch assistant - Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH))
Lucas Lütje-Fournet M.Sc. (Körner und Pauli GmbH)
Axel Mund B.Sc.
Dr. Peter Rademacher (retired)
Moritz Sanne, M.Sc. (citizens' energy cooperative "Inselwerke eG")
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jens-Peter Stephan (self-employed expert for wood and building protection)
†Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Fabian Wulf
Dipl.-Ing. Mario Zander (self-employed)