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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde



The faculty focuses on training designed to meet the demands of medium-sized enterprises in the region. Graduates possess the relevant knowledge, flexibility and leadership skills to enter the modern business environment.

Our training promotes students to develop a sense of creativity and responsibility in their work. The study is highly practise-orientated, this is achieved through a close working relationship with companies in the region and the students themselves working independently on project work.Through personal supervision by professors who teach on the programs, the students are ideally prepared to meet the demands of today's business world


The mixture of different faculties that we see at the university here makes it quite unique in Germany. The various disciplines of ecology, technology and business combine and complement each other to express the overall picture of the university.

In practical terms this means that a level of ecological thinking is integrated into the business courses, and likewise students from other faculties work with the Faculty of Business and acquire some business skills.

Ideal Environment to Study

As a relatively compact university, it is very easy to find your way around. You certainly won't get lost in a sprawl of university buildings!

Study conditions are perfect and offer the best preparation for a business career. Students have the opportunity to learn in a very supportive atmosphere and benefit from the most up-to-date facilities.

The university is only a short distance from Berlin and if you travel by train it takes only 30 minutes from Berlin Central Station


Our Guiding Principles

for the future

We teach the core areas of Business Administration and students study at depth areas relevant to the modern business world.

Vocationally based Practical Training

We combine study with work experience. The integrated practical training semesters along with the on campus study programs are designed to prepare for future entry in the job market.


We use the most up-to-date technology and this is also available for the students.


We tap into the business potential of the region and do so in an environmentally sustainable way . We foster dialogue withenterprises in the region and provide it with well-trained management executives

Project Work

Training involving practiceoriented projects relavant to the current and future demands of employment are an integral part of the study programme


We work with academic institutions abroad and promote placement opportunities in other countries. There is an important emphasis on foreign language learning skills.