Prof. Dr. Häring - CV
Since 09/04 (9/04-4/05 i.V.)
Professor, University for Sustainable Development (FH) Eberswalde, Germany
- Professor for Policy and Markets in the Agro-Food Sector
- Scientific chair of the innovation network organic farming Brandenburg
- Chair of the BSc program “Organic Farming and Marketing”
Visiting research fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, USA
Researcher, Institute of Farm Economics, Production Theory and Resource Economics, Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, Germany
1992 & since 1997
Freelance consultant and translator
Project officer, GTZ, Eschborn, Germany. Pilot project “Sustainable Soil Management”, GTZ (Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit), Germany.
Visiting Researcher, CIAT, Columbia. “Soil Degradation and Crop Productivity Research for Conservation Technology Development in Andean Hillside Farming” GTZ-Project at CIAT (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical).
4/94-3/95 & 3/96-6/96
Graduate Research and Teaching Associate, Ohio State University, USA
Department of Soil Science, School of Natural Resources
Research Assistant, TÜV Südwest und Universität Hohenheim, Germany
Intern, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Mexico City, Mexico
Intern, Dairy and alpine grassland farm, Germany