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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Renewable energy sources for heat

Five european RES heat pilots - 5 EURES


Objective of this 5 EURES project is to introduce and foster implementation of best practices in RES-heat markets in five European regions. Co-objective supporting successful implementation of market structures is know-how transfer between the participating regions. The example given by these five RES-heat pilots can be benefited and adapted widely among other European regions.


Target of the project is initiative and establishment of real regional RES-Heat market structures. This project creates with European Commission’s and local support and with strong international collaboration five regional RES-Heat market pilots. They will be used as long lasting showcases of RES-Heat markets, development benches, training and information dissemination instruments and the places to set up new RES-Heat businesses.

Short term results

In short term the project creates forums for know-how transfer between European regions and internally in the region. As the outcome of the project all the key-people related to establishment of regional RES-heat market in five regions have got sufficient know-how to carry out their tasks in realization of RES based heating systems. Other direct outcomes are:

•Feasibility studies of the most potential RES-heat technologies and operation models in five different operation conditions.

•Limited number of individual case studies (average 4 case studies per region) for the most promising sites in every region.

•Completely and partly demonstrated RES-heat production chains by temporary and solid arrangements, depending on the maturity of the investment decision-making. The production chains will be monitored and documented.

•Description and development schemes of the pilot regions.

•Training programmes and training materials.

•20 Business plans or start-ups of new businesses in RES-heat.

•Preliminary technology transfer arrangements.

•Information dissemination actions and materials for wider utilization of the results.

Long term impact

This project provides an initiative and development tool for the RES-heat pilot regions. The pilots will serve renewable energy development and promotion work in long term according to the development and utilization schemes created in the project. Piloting actions can support targets to develop regional centres of expertise in bioenergy. The pilot regions can be utilized by authorities developing their knowledge in bioenergy related matters. Training organizations can utilize the physical facilities established in the area in their training programmes. Research activities can be organized in the setting.

Project running time: 2005 - 2007

Financing: EU - Intelligent Energy Europe

Partners: Here!


Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Piorr

Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, FB 2

Friedrich Ebert Str. 28

16225 Eberswalde

Tel.: 03334 / 657 114

Fax.: 03334 / 657 125


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The project was part-financed by the European Union within Intelligent Energy Europe programme