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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Susanne's publications, reports and conference contributions


Books and contributions to books

Münchhausen, S. v.; Fink-Kessler A.; Häring, A.M., 2019: "With meat - things are always a bit different". Perspectives for the development of values-based food chains. Publication in German: "Beim Fleisch läuft's immer etwas anders." Perspektiven beim Aufbau wertebasierter Wertschöpfungsketten. In: Fleisch: Vom Wohlstandsymbol zur Gefahr für die Zukunft. Rückert-John, J.; Kröger, M. (Hrsg.) Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Bd 1, 41-66.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Fink-Kessler, A., 2019: Legal and structural framework of the meat production. Publication in German: Exkurs: Rechtliche und strukturelle Rahmenbedingungen der Fleischerzeugung. In: Fleisch: Vom Wohlstandsymbol zur Gefahr für die Zukunft. Rückert-John, J.; Kröger, M. (Hrsg.) Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Bd 1, 67-80.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M., 2015: Is it feasable and desired to assess the European Innovation Partnership 'Agriculture and Sustainability'? If yes, give it's a matter of urgency! Publication in German: Ist eine Evaluation der europäischen Innovationspartnerschaften ‚landwirtschaftliche Produktivität und Nachhaltigkeit‘ möglich und gewünscht? Wenn ja, dann ist Eile geboten! In: Mußoff, Oliver; Brümmer, Bernhard; Hamm, Ulrich; Marggraf, Rainer; Möller, Detlev; Qaim, Martin; Spiller, Achim und Theuvsen, Ludwig (Hrsg.) Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbauses e.V., Bd 50, 2015, 439-441.

Knickel, Kh.; Münchhausen, v. S.; Kröger, M.; Bergmann, H., 2011: The Wetteraukreis in Germany - a metropolitan countryside area that connects the urban and the rural. In: Bryden, John M.;  Efstratoglou, Sophia;  Ferenczi, Tibor;  Knickel, Karlheinz;  Johnson, Tom;  Refsgaard, Karen; Thomson Kenneth J.  (ed.) Towards Sustainable Rural Regions in Europe. Exploring Inter-Relationships Between Rural Policies, Farming, Environment, Demographics, Regional Economies and Quality of Life Using System Dynamics. Studies in Development and Society. New York: Routledge, Chapter 11. 214-228.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Peter, S.; Knickel, Kh., 2010: Realising sustainable development on the basis of local networks of knowledge. In: Milone, Pierluigi; Ventura, Flaminia (ed.): Networking the rural: the future of green regions in Europe. Assen (NL): Royal Van Gorcum, 151-166 (Chapter 8).

Münchhausen, S. v.; Knickel, Kh., 2010: Rural development dynamics: A comparison of changes in rural web configurations in six European regions. In: Milone, Pierluigi; Ventura, Flaminia (ed.): Networking the rural: the future of green regions in Europe. Assen (NL): Royal Van Gorcum, 167-190 (Chapter 9).

Deblitz, C.; Balliet, U.; Krebs, S.; Rump, M., 1994: Low-intensity grassland farming in the Eastern Federal States of Germany. Publication in German: Extensive Grünlandnutzung in den östlichen Bundesländern, Entwicklung standortangepasster Verfahren der extensiven Grünlandnutzung für ausgewählte Regionen in den östlichen Bundesländern. Schriftenreihe des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten, Reihe A: Angewandte Wissenschaft, Heft 429, Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster.

Peer-reviewed publications

Münchhausen, S.v.; Kirwan, J.; Maye, D.; Prosperi, P.; Vergamini, D.; Pinto-Correia, T.; Muñoz-Rojas, J., 2019: The ability of smaller-scale primary food producers to become more resilient through enacting relations. Journal of Rural Studies. Submitted for review in June 2020.

Münchhausen, S.v.; Cronien, E.; Biró, S., Fieldsend, A. Häring, A.M., 2019: Key challenges and information needs of EIP-Agri multi-actor innovation partnerships. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension. Submitted for review in March 2020.

Münchhausen, S. v., Häring, A.M., Kvam, G.-T., Knickel, Kh., 2017: It’s Not Always about Growth! Development Dynamics and Management in Food Businesses and Chains. Int. Jrnl. of Soc. of Agr. & Food, 2017, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 37–55 (Zenodo Link; OrgEprints Link)

Knickel, Kh.; Münchhausen, S. v.; Girgzdiene, V.; Skulskis, V., 2016: Managing growth in higher value food chains. In: Tanic, Stjepan (Hrsg.) Enhancing efficiency and inclusiveness of agri-food chains in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, 95-110. Link 

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M., 2012: Lifelong learning for farmers: enhancing competitiveness, knowledge transfer and innovation in the eastern German state of Brandenburg. In: Studies in Agricultural Economic, Volume 114, No 2, Budapest, 86-92. Download

Knickel, Kh.; Salmon, G.; Münchhausen, S. v., 2011: Cooperative environmental management: taking care of New Zealand’s unique natural resources in more effective ways. In: Boston, Jonathan; Bradstock, Andrew; Eng; David (ed.): Ethics and Public Policy: Contemporary Issues. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 270-296.

Non- reviewed publications

Münchhausen, S. v.; Redman, M., 2019: Projekt Flyer (DE). LIAISON Forschungs- und Innovationsprojekt, Horizont 2020 Nr.773418. Flyer

Mathijs, E., Avermaete, T., Grivins, M., Häring, A.M., Münchhausen, S. v., 2019: Sustainable Finance for Sustainable Agriculture and Fisheries. SUFISA Booklet.

Avermaete, T.; Fleck, J.; Münchhausen, S. v.; Röbe-Oltmanns, L., 2015-2019: SUFISA Newsletter No 2-7. SUFISA Research and Innovation Project, Horizon 2020 GA No 635577.

Münchhausen, S. v., Utke, N., Häring, A.M.; Kucznik, K.; Saurma-Jeltsch, A.-K.; Schleip, I., 2019:  Protectors of diversity wanted! Proposal for a sheep farming trainee programme in the federal state of Brandenburg. Policy discussion paper in German.

Münchhausen, S. v., Kirwan, J., 2018: The future of traditional carp production in Middle Franconia, Germany – SUFISA Policy brief.

Münchhausen, S. v., Kirwan, J., 2018: The future of oilseed rape production in the Wetterau region, Germany – SUFISA Policy brief.

Haack, M.; Münchhausen, S. v., 2017: Public producement - organic and regional. Agrarsoziale Gesellschaft Göttingen (ASG). Ländlicher Raum, 3/2017, S. 56-59; in German.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M.; Knickel, Kh., 2016: HealthyGrowth: How can organic supply chains grow without losing their added value? Results and recommendations.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M.; Knickel, Kh., (2015) HealthyGrowth German Case Study: Fact Sheet of Bohlsener Mühle GmbH & Co. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Eberswalde, Germany.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M.; Knickel, Kh., (2015) HealthyGrowth German Case Study: Fact Sheet of Producer-Consumer-Community Landwege e. G. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Eberswalde, Germany.

Münchhausen, S. v.  2013: Urteilsbesprechung zum Jagdrecht: Der Wolf ist tot. In: Bauernzeitung 11/2013, Berlin, Bauernverlag, S. 55.

Project reports and publication series

Münchhausen, S. v.; Behrendt, G.; Redman, M., 2020: LIAISON Website with Online Toolbox. Deliverable D7.2, Internal report. LIAISON Research and Innovation Project,
Horizon 2020 GA No.773418.

Saurma-Jeltsch, A.-K. v., Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M., 2020: ‚Interim report Sheep Farmers Protect‘ (Zwischenbericht ‚Schäfer schützen‘ 2019/2020.) RDP-measure cooperation, MLUK, Federal State of Brandenburg.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Cronin, E.; Couzy, Ch.; Dijk, L. van; Fieldsend, A.; Häring, A.M.; MackenWelsh, A.; Leinfelder, T.; Redman, M., 2019: Technical Report, Part B, Reporting Period 1. LIAISON Project GA No. 773418. Confidential Report. LIAISON Research and Innovation Project, Horizon 2020 GA No.773418.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M., 2019: Risk Assessment of Year 2. Milestone MS30. Internal report. LIAISON Research and Innovation Project, Horizon 2020 GA No.773418.

Behrendt, G.; Cazacioc, T., Münchhausen, S. v.; Redman, M., 2019: Conceptual design of the LIAISON Tool Box – Documentation of the conceptual process of the tendering for the interactive online platform, the homepage and the corporate ID for the LIAISON project. Milestone MS23, Internal Report. LIAISON Research and Innovation Project, Horizon 2020
GA No.773418.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Buller, H.; Dijk, L. van, Häring, A.M.; Redman, M., 2019: Discussion paper ‘Challenges Innovation Actors are Facing, and the Related Research and Innovation Needs. Deliverable D6.1. LIAISON Research and Innovation Project, Horizon 2020 GA No.773418. Link

Avermaete, T.; Aubert, P.M; Brunori, G.; Maye, D.; Mathijs, E.; Münchhausen, S. v.; Treyer, S., 2019: Technical Report Part B. SUFISA Research and Innovation Project, Horizon 2020
GA No 635577.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Kirwan, J., Fleck, J.; Avermaete, T.; Grivins, M.; Tisenkopf, T., 2019: Overview of stakeholder feedback and impact evaluation. Deliverable D5.5. Confidential report. SUFISA Research and Innovation Project, Horizon 2020 GA No 635577.

Saurma-Jeltsch, A.-K. v., Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M., 2019: ‚Interim report Sheep Farmers Protect‘ (Zwischenbericht ‚Schäfer schützen‘ 2018/2019.) RDP-measure cooperation, MLUK, Federal State of Brandenburg.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M., 2018: Risk Assessment of Year 1. Milestone MS29. Internal report. LIAISON Research and Innovation Project, Horizon 2020 GA No.773418.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Cronin, E., 2018: Data Management Plan. Deliverable D8.5. Internal report. LIAISON Research and Innovation Project, Horizon 2020 GA No.773418.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Redman, M.; Cazacioc, T., 2018: Communication Plan. Deliverable D8.4. Internal report. LIAISON Research and Innovation Project, Horizon 2020 GA No.773418.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M.; Redman, M., 2018: LIAISON Website. Deliverable D8.3. Internal report. LIAISON Research and Innovation Project, Horizon 2020 GA No.773418.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Cazacioc, T.; Häring, A.M.; Redman, M., 2018: LIAISON Flyer (Version 1). Deliverable D8.2. LIAISON Research and Innovation Project, Horizon 2020 GA No.773418.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Favilli, E.; Home, R., 2018: Protection of Personal Data (POPD) – Ethics Requirement. Deliverable D9.2. Internal report. LIAISON Research and Innovation Project, Horizon 2020 GA No.773418.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Favilli, E.; Home, R., 2018: Humans (H) – Ethics Requirement. Deliverable D9.1. Internal report. LIAISON Research and Innovation Project, Horizon 2020 GA No.773418.

Münchhausen, S. v. Röbe-Oltmanns, L.; Knickel, Kh.; Haack, M., 2018: Aquaculture Production in Germany and Oilseed Rape Production in the Wetterau Area — National Case Study Report of the SUFISA project. Link 

Münchhausen, S. v.; Haack, M.; Häring, A.M., 2017: OSIRIS – Optimising Interactive Innovation Project Approaches (EU-Antrag-FH 2016). Schlussbericht zu einer Zuwendung aus dem Bundeshaushalt im Rahmen der „Förderinitiative Neue Horizonte für deutsche Fachhochschulen, Fördermaßnahme EU-Antrag-FH“. BMBF, Berlin.

Braun, C.; Haack, M.; Häring, A.M.; Knuth, U.; Münchhausen, S. v. 2017:  InChAgri-Food - Innovative Chains for Agri-Food businesses (EU-Antrag-FH 2016). Schlussbericht zu einer Zuwendung aus dem Bundeshaushalt im Rahmen der „Förderinitiative Neue Horizonte für deutsche Fachhochschulen, Fördermaßnahme EU-Antrag-FH“. BMBF, Berlin.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M., 2016: Fact sheet HealthyGrowth: From Niche to Volume with Integrity and Trust. In German for the German Organic Programme BOELN.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M.; Knickel, Kh.; Haack, M. 2016: Final Report HealthyGrowth: From niche to volume with integrity and trust. HNE Eberswalde,
Fachgebiet Politik und Märkte in der Agrarwirtschaft, Eberswalde, Deutschland. German

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M.; Knickel, Kh., 2016: Wirtschaftliche Voraussetzungen einer nachhaltigen Land- und Fischereiwirtschaft. Info-Broschüre SUFISA für Praxispartner. German

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M.; Knickel, Kh., 2016: The concept of the business logic for the management of values-based food businesses and chains. Task 2 report,
HealthyGrowth WP 5. Link 

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M., 2016: Dissemination Targeting Policy, Deliverable D7.3. HealthyGrowth: From Niche to Volume with Integrity and Trust. Link 

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M., 2016: Dissemination Targeting Stakeholders, Deliverable D7.2. HealthyGrowth: From Niche to Volume with Integrity and Trust. Link 

Münchhausen, S. v., 2015: Full Case Study Report Landwege-Germany. HealthyGrowth Project. April 2015. Link 

Münchhausen, S. v., 2015: Full Case study report Bohlsener Mühle-Germany. HealthyGrowth-Project. April 2015. Link 

Münchhausen, S. v.; Knickel, Kh.; Tisenkopf, T., 2015: Guideline for establishment and work of national level stakeholder group and the organisation of feedback loops, Deliverable D5.4. Confidential report. SUFISA Research and Innovation Project, Horizont 2020 GA No 635577.

Avermaete, T.; Münchhausen, S. v., 2015: Communication and dissemination plan. Deliverable D5.1 Confidential report. SUFISA Research and Innovation Project, Horizont 2020
GA No 635577.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Juister, E.; Berner, N., 2014: Livelong learning in organic farms in the Federal State of Brandenburg – final report of the ESF-project. (Lebenslanges Lernen in ökologisch wirtschaftenden Betrieben in Brandenburg - Ergebnisse aus Teilprojekt 1 und 2. Abschlussbericht des ESF-Projektes.)

Münchhausen, S. v.; Schulz, K.; Häring, A.M.; Llamas Vacas, R., 2014: Strategies for medium-sized values-based food chains during growth processes. Link 

Münchhausen, S. v.; Knickel, Kh.; Rehbinder, E.; Güthler, W.; Rimpau, J.; Metea, D., 2008: Common Agriculture Policy - Cross Compliance and Agri-Environmental Schemes 2007-2013 (Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik (GAP) - Cross-Compliance und Weiterentwicklung von Agrarumweltmaßnahmen, 2007-2013). Schriftenreihe Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz (BfN), Nr. 77, Bonn. In German 

Münchhausen, S. v.; Knickel, Kh.; Gountaras, K.; Peter, S., 2007: Contribution of organic farming tot he regional development of rural areas. (Beitrag des ökologischen Landbaus zur Entwicklung ländlicher Räume.) Fallstudien auf Grundlage von Befragungen in ökologisch und konventionell wirtschaftenden Betrieben in unterschiedlich strukturierten Regionen Deutschlands. German

Münchhausen, S. v., 2003: Model based economic analysis of low-intensity grassland farming with suckler cows. (Modellgestützte Analyse der Wirtschaftlichkeit der extensiven Grünlandnutzung mit Mutterkühen.) Dissertation Universität Rostock. Landbauforschung Völkenrode, SH 251/03.

Conference contributions (since 2015)

Markow, J.; Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M.; Cronien, E.; Fieldsend, A., 2020: Are Advisors the Primary Providers of Innovation Support Services in Forestry and Agriculture? Preliminary Findings from the Project LIAISON. IFSA Conference 2020 - Farming Systems Facing Climate Change and Resource Challenges. Planned for March 2020 /postponed to March 2021.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Mayr, S.; Häring, A.M.; Rønningen, K.; Biro, S.; Fieldsend, A. 2019: Identification of Key Challenges and Information Needs of Those Enabling, Conceptualising and Implementing Interactive Projects and Activities. European Seminar on Education and Extension, ESEE 18 June 2019, Acireale, Italy.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Möllmann, T.; Aubert, P.M.; Biely, K., 2018: Increasing Costs for Land Use Challenge the International Competitiveness of European Arable Farming – Lessons Learned from SUFISA Case Studies in Three Different Areas. At the 13th European IFSA Symposium. 01 - 05 July, 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece. (Zenodo Link) Download

Maye, D.; Kirwan, J.; Chiswell, H.; Vigani, M.; Muñoz-Rojas, J.; Mathijs, E.; Bonjean, I.; H. Thorsøe, M.; Noe, E.; Münchausen, S. v., Grivins, M., Aubert, P.; Nowak, P.; Minarelli, F., 2018: Farmer Strategies to Manage Market Uncertainty: Commodity-level Analysis and Critique. At the 13th European IFSA Symposium. 01 - 05 July, 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece.  (Zenodod Link) Download

Muñoz-Rojas, J.; Bartolini, F.; Maye, D.; Münchausen, S. v.; Noe, E.; Pinto-Correia, T.; H. Thorsoe, M.; Vergamini, D., 2018: The Role of Territorial Conditions in Influencing the Sustainability of Farming Systems and Strategies across Europe: a Comparative Analysis. At the 13th European IFSA Symposium. 01 - 05 July, 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece. (Zenodo Link) Download

Biely, K., Münchhausen, S. v.; Passel, S. van, 2018: Vertical Integration as Future Strategy to Increase Value Absorption of Primary Producers: the Belgian Sugar Beet and the German Rapeseed Case. At the 13th European IFSA Symposium. 01 - 05 July, 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece.

Searles, K.; Münchhausen, S. v.; Kirwan, J.; Chiswell, H.; Maye, D.; Prosperis, P.; Vergamini, D.; Minarelli, F., Tsakalou, E., Vlahos, G., 2018: ‘Adding value to the fish!’ – Business Strategies in Fish Farming and Small-Scale Fishery. At the 7th AIEAA Conference, 14-15 June 2018, Conegliano (TV), Italy.  (Zenodo Link) Download

Münchhausen, S. v.; Biely, K.; Knickel, Kh., Bonjean, I., 2017: Exploring Farmers’ Conditions, Strategies and Sustainability Performances with the CSP Model. In: Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V., Bd. 52, 2017, S.399-402. (Zenodo Link)

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M., 2017: Methodological Challenges in Analysing Farmers’ Business Strategies for More Sustainability in Farming. In. Conference Proceedings of the XXVII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress, Krakow, 24.-27. Juli 2017, p. 297-298. (Zenodo Link, ESRS Link)

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M.; Milestad, R., 2017: What to learn from our mistakes? Recommendations for policy and practice for the sustainable development of businesses and values-based organic food chains. ( Was können wir aus den Fehlern lernen? Empfehlungen für Praxis und Politik zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Unternehmen und Wertschöpfungsketten im ökologischen Lebensmittelsektor.) Conference proceedings oft he 14th Scientific Conference for Organic Farming, 7.-10. March 2017, Freising-Weihenstephan. Link 

Haack, M., Häring, A.M., Münchhausen, S. v., 2017: The new EU regulation on green public procurement of organic and regional food. (Novellierung des EU-Vergaberechts: eine Chance für ökologische und regionale Lebensmittel in der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung?) Conference proceedings oft he 14th Scientific Conference for Organic Farming, 7.-10. March 2017, Freising-Weihenstephan. Link

Münchhausen, S. v.; Knickel, Kh; Lasner, T.; Milestad, R., 2016: Adaptation Strategies and Performances of Three Producer Groups during Times of Change: Lessons Learned from the Application of the Conditions-Strategies-Performances (CSP) Concept. In: Social and Technological Transformation of Farming Systems: Diverging and Converging Pathways. Conference Proceedings, IFSA Conference 2016, Harper-Adams-University, UK. (Zenodo Link, OrgEprints Link)

Haack, M.; Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M., 2016: Discrepancy between Theory and Practice: Procurement of Local and Organic Food in Public Catering Systems. In: Social and Technological Transformation of Farming Systems: Diverging and Converging Pathways. IFSA Conference proceedings 2016, Harper-Adams-University, UK. Link 

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M.; Kvam, G.-T., 2016: Understanding ‘Healthy’ Growth Processes in Organic Food Businesses and Values-Based Chains. XIV World Congress of Rural Sociology, 10. - 14 August 2016, Toronto, Canada.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A. M.; Knickel, K. 2015: „With meats it’s always a bit different“. („Beim Fleisch läuft’s immer etwas anders!“ Perspektiven zum Aufbau wertebasierter Wertschöpfungsketten. Fleisch. Vom Wohlstandssymbol zur Gefahr für die Zukunft.) Conference of the section agriculture and rural sociology of the German Society of Sociology (DGS), 6.-7. November 2015, Fulda. Link

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M., 2015: Will the evaluation of European Innovation Partnerships 'Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability' be possible and persued? If yes, it's matter of urgency! (Ist eine Evaluation der europäischen Innovationspartnerschaften ‚landwirtschaftliche Produktivität und Nachhaltigkeit‘ möglich und gewünscht? Wenn ja, dann ist Eile geboten!) In: Mußoff, Oliver; Brümmer, Bernhard; Hamm, Ulrich; Marggraf, Rainer; Möller, Detlev; Qaim, Martin; Spiller, Achim und Theuvsen, Ludwig (Hrsg.). Series of the German Society of Agricultural Economics and Rural Social Studies, 50, p. 439-441. Link 

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M.; Kvam, G.-T.; Milestad, R., 2015: The role of the business logic for growing value chains of organic food – first results of an international case study analysis. Vortrag eingereicht und angenommen, ESRS-Tagung, August 2015, Aberdeen, UK. Link 
Final congress proceedings: Link 

Knickel, Kh.; Münchhausen, S. v.; Girgzdiene, V.; Skulskis, V., 2015: "The Problem was Just the Organization of the Daily Business" — Managing Growth in Higher Value Food Chains. FAO Workshop at AGRIMBA Network Kongress, Juni 2015, Porec, Kroatien.

Münchhausen, S. v.; Häring, A.M.; Milestad, R., 2015: Management strategies of growing organic food businesses and initiatives (Bedeutung von Managementstrategien in expandierenden Unternehmen und Initiativen der Wertschöpfungsketten für ökologische Nahrungsmittel). In: Häring, A. M.; Höring, B.; Hoffmann-Bahnsen, R.; u.a. (Hrsg.): Conference proceedings oft he 13th Scientific Conference for Organic Farming. Berlin: Verlag Dr. Köster, 651-654. Link