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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Landscape scenery

Is It Possible to “Calculate” the Visual Landscape?

Prof. Jürgen Peters

Susanne Hempp

GIS-based analysis of the visual landscape for the region “Uckermark - Barnim” as a base for the designation of areas suitable for wind generated energy

The identification of areas valuable for the visual landscape plays an important role for the characterisation of cultural landscapes. The study evaluates the visual appearance of the landscape on the base of digital data for the model region “Uckermark-Barnim”, initated by the research project “Area Requirements and Cultural Effects of Regenerative Energies”. The classification and aggregation of the data in an automated GIS algorithm has led to a threestage ordinal scale of very valuable, valuable and average areas of visual landscape, verfied by in-situ checks.

The GIS-supported evaluation brought acceptable results. The methods works particularly well for areas with a high-value visual landscape. For other regions, however, the methodology has to be adjusted in order to comply with the regional particuliarities. Generally the automated GIS-supported evaluation should be verified and supplemented “manually” in order to better consider regional peculiarities.


Method of landscape scenery Analysis



Publication (only in German):

Peters, J., Torkler, F., Hempp, S., Hauswirth, M.: Ist das Landschaftsbild “berechenbar”? / Is it possible to “calculate” the Visual Landscape?
In: Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung – Zeitschrift für angewandte Ökologie. 1/2009, 41. Jg. Verlag Eugen Ulmer. Stuttgart. S. 15-20.